Why dogs are so loveable


Dogs have been labeled as man’s best friend since I can remember. What I find so wonderful about dogs specifically is that they recognize when you are having a good or bad day. Pets seem to have a keen since of intuition. I believe they recognize both our large and small indifferences.Even still they continue to jump into our arms and share their love. That is why I race home every day with great anticipation of seeing their wagging tails and getting lots of hugs and wet kisses.

Wondering? Does anyone else out there have those days when they want to roll over on their backs and play dead like their pets or pretend their never began and the sun would shine. Well I strongly believe that pets are a part of that sunshine. So if you happen to have one of those days remember exactly what I said. It’s a no brainer because the minute I see Britney and Stormy I immediately forget about those dreadful hours or moments which drained my day; suddenly sadness and stress simply disappears. What a relief and joy we feel its like magic the spell has been broken.

If you have a pet and you understand share how your pet makes you feel in one very special word.

Mine is Loveablelicious
